Graduating from Illustration at Seneca
When I enrolled in Illustration back in June 2022 I made a commitment to follow my childhood dream of being a storyteller. Stories have a huge influence on me. I’m always curious to follow the path of a stranger, hear what they have to say, and feel the weight of their decisions. We all share our stories whether we know it or not. The culmination of the most mundane events are a story of their own.
Walking the path I dreamed about so long ago has been a difficult journey. Sometimes it didn't feel real, and sometimes I didn't feel good enough. This is my last week of college and I see many challenges ahead but I couldn't be happier because it means I'm walking the path I've been searching for. It's alright to explore off the trail every now and then as long as you keep your bearings. Now that I've graduated I am seeking out Toronto Freelance Illustration work and always looking back on myself as a Brampton Artist.